Company Information
1. Type of Business
Tennis Able is registered as a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Most guarantee companies are not-for-profit companies, unlike a typical business they do not distribute their profits to their members but either retain them within the company or use them for some other purpose i.e. in our case providing more grouped coach tennis sessions. Further down the line we would like to evolve into a an official charity but at this time due to our size it does not make fiscal sense as the costs would outway the benefits.
2. Company Information
The company registration number is: 13195880.
The company registered address is: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX
3. Objects
As a registered not for profit company limited by guarantee we have to have a number of 'objects' for our Memorandum of Association. This is the technical term given to the objectives of the company. These objects define what we have established Tennis Able for.
To provide group tennis coaching for children and adults with disabilities in Norwich and Norfolk.
To raise funds to pay in full (or in part) for group tennis coaching sessions, facility hire and equipment;
To support events and competitions for players with disabilities.
To increase the number of participants in disability tennis though;
Providing a diverse range of sessions suitable for different needs.
Expanding and encouraging participation in existing tennis sessions.
Raising awareness of tennis and its benefits and suitability for disability participation.
Supporting other regional coaches with setting up their own disability tennis sessions.
To create a positive, friendly environment where all players can learn, progress and enjoy participating in tennis alongside their supporters and families .