
Tennis Able coaches inclusive tennis programmes working with groups from the following organisations. Please get in touch if you'd like to talk about how playing tennis could benefit you.


MIND provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems. MIND campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding of mental health issues.

Special Olympics

Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability.

Steel Bones

Steel Bones helps amputees and their families live life to the full, assisted by a proactive, supportive peer community. Steel Bones is passionate about connecting amputees and their families with other amputees to empower, motivate and inspire each other.


Headway supports people with acquired brain injuries, their families and carers, to regain confidence and overcome challenges. They promote independence and rehabilitative support as well as increasing the understanding and impact of brain injuries.

DS Active

DSActive aims to provide as many opportunities as possible for people with Down’s Syndrome to lead active and healthy lives. DSActive is a national programme featuring many different sports.

Equal Lives

Equal Lives is led by people who face disabling barriers at any age, and is dedicated to making their voices heard. Equal Lives supports people to empower themselves to live independent lives, and to remove disabling barriers.

Our objective is to help all players improve their playing ability, fitness, confidence and social skills.