Inclusive Tennis Sessions
There is a diverse range of tennis sessions run by clubs and coaches in Norfolk. If you are interested in a session please use the email links below to contact the venue or coach. If you would like to play tennis and there is not a suitable session that fits for you contact us and we will see how we can help.
Tennis Able @ East Anglia Tennis and Squash Club
8-13 Lime Tree Rd, Norwich NR2 2NQ
Special Olympics, Friday 4:30 - 5:30
Junior VI Sessions, Friday 4:30 - 5:30
Individual Wheelchair sessions
School SEND sessions
Brain injuries (Headway)
Loddon Tennis Club & indoors at Loddon’s Jubilee Hall
George Lane, Loddon, Norwich NR14 6NB
Parkinson’s Tennis
Dementia and associated illnesses
Elderly, loneliness and social isolation
School SEND sessions
contact: Craig Broadley-Naylor
Gorleston Lawn Tennis Club
Orde Avenue, Gorleston-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth NR31 6SZ
Wellbeing Tennis
Visually Impaired individual sessions
Severe multiple impairment individuals
contact: XXXXXX
North Elmham Tennis Club
Elmham Rd, North Elmham, Dereham NR20 5JA
Working with Norfolk and Norwich SEND association
contact: XXXX